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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP


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    Age : 34
    Location : somewhere near the edge of a forest bordering a graveyard sunk deep ina large pit.

    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  faultypitch Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:49 am

    This rp is about Seeking a very enormous treasure with which would either: end world poverty, or send it into a depession so deep, no nation would be able to recover. Your characters must try to find it before another team does. You can make small team alliances, but they will eventually break up due to either greed or a want to find the treasure. There will be a team [controlled by me] that will act as the true enemy of all the treasure-seekers and will stop at nothing to find it first, even if it means killing your characters off, so be careful. And if your characters end up getting killed, you may not bring them back right away. There is a few ways, but you'll have to figure those ways out.

    The planet I have in mind is not Earth, so any character may be used AS LONG AS they are not immortal (half is allowed, but they MUST BE ABLE TO BE KILLED).
    And btw, you will eventually get to killing off team members of the enemy team (one I stated) just I'll state when.

    Last but not least, I WILL NOT TOLERATE GOD-MODDING OR SOMEONE USING ANOTHER'S CHARACTERS [Unless they have given you DIRECT permission].
    And well...Let's have fun, this is a treasure hunt after all. XD


    Legends tell of a vast treasure hidden deep within the confines of the earth, called The Cache. Treasure hunters from all over the world have heard of it, but regard it as a myth, as no one has ever found it. But there are a select few who believe that it exists. These brave explorers travel all over the world to find the clues to the whereabouts of the treasure horde.

    People say these clues are hidden in six places, and it's up to the treasure hunters to find them and gain riches beyond their wildest dreams.

    The Hunters must seek six keys which are used to unlock the door to the treasure horde. Each key is guarded by terrible dangers that no man has passed before.

    There is also a team on the move, one seeking to use the treasure and use it's riches to take over the world. They must be stopped at all costs, to prevent the world from falling into tyranny.

    You....yes you...explorer. You must find it quickly, time is of the essence, go to the frozen that covers the bottom of the world. There you'll find the first key, and a clue to where the other keys are.

    Good luck....and Godspeed...

    For this rp I will be using three characters. You may have up to FOUR characters, but no more. It's tough enough to remember more than four.

    And as I stated I will be controlling the enemy team, which has a member specializing in one certain category/weapons.

    For this rp I will be using (check my char profiles in Characters section for details):

    -Nikifor (tech/paranormal) [Dark Red]
    -Java (demolitions/medic) [Green]
    -Boomer (pack mule/defense) [Black]

    you can state what each of your chars specialties or purpose, I just showed what each of my characters are gonna be used for. And if they are color-specific you can state what color is which

    (once one other person joins, We can begin)


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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  Chanler Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:44 am

    My characters for this rp will be.

    Blarg: Black wolf Lieutenant(Age 43) and leader of the Squad known as Kits.
    Specialises in heavy weapons (Bazookas,pulse cannons, and rail guns.) and is built for defence keeping his team mates from harm as he carrys a large shield with him on his back always.

    Fence: A wild red fox (Age 32) with low defense but makes up for speed. Carrying a shot shot gun mad dashing at groups of people and shooting them in the face. He never stays still and is somewhat paranoid and even moves when sniping as well.

    Tint:A light brown jackal (Age 29) who aids in medicne and poisons . He helps the injured and hardly fights but keeps his posionus sniper dart gun just in case. He doesen't like talking much unless someone actually gets hurt. And even then he still keeps things to himself.

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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  Guynio Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:34 pm

    Name: Dragon
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21 years old
    Class: Captain
    Profession: Sniper
    He never goes into combat from closer than 500 feet, giving orders from the back and assisting the main group with his sniper rifle, he always counts his shots and thusfar has 95% accuracy. He's always calm, even when the odds are against him.

    Name: Devo
    Race: Grey Wolf Anthropomorph
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23 years old
    Class: Lieutenant
    Profession: Assault gunner
    Having a lot of frontline experience, Devo is the perfect solider of choice for leading a head-on assault. Professionalized in a variety of assault rifles, among which the M16A4, FAL and Scar-L, he can lead large and small groups into all sorts of battles. He has perfected his gunnery skills and has a good strategic mind. Assists Dragon with tactics.

    Name: Dawn
    Race: Underground Elf
    Gender: Female
    Age: 213 years old, although in elven years, this would equal 27 human years.
    Class: Lieutenant
    Profession: Scout
    Having been around for 200 years surely helps her. She knows about pretty much every weapon and every human militairy strategy. She herself uses encoded elven weapons she got from the ElfBI. She's a scout, thus she doesn't carry around a lot of weaponry. She uses magic powers to "Shield" herself, which comes down to vibrating at such a speed that she's invisible to human and elfen eye. Along with her Neutrino 3000, a pistol that's able to knock out and erase the short-term memory of a person, she is the perfect frontline scout, giving Dragon the information he needs to make a good battle plan without getting spotted.

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    Age : 34
    Location : somewhere near the edge of a forest bordering a graveyard sunk deep ina large pit.

    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  faultypitch Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:00 pm

    (all right, well let's get started)

    Far South, near the polar ice cap, helicopter made it's way towards the large ice shelf. The pilot was not a human, but a mere Husky, His name was Nikifor. The frigid air frosted his fur but did not even make him shiver, being used to cold climate. Along with him in the helicopter was a bat named Java and their cyborg rabbit friend, Boomer.

    "Cold enough back there comrades?" Nikifor replied with a snicker.

    "S-s-s-screw you!" Java replied swiftly

    "Hey...Java, please...if you're gonna say something, make it something nice, all right" Boomer responded in kind to Java's comment "By the much longer Nik?"

    "Not too much longer, just need to find the exact spot, are the supplies with ya, Boomer?" he asked.


    "Don't tell me you forgot the supplies Boomer!!!" Java yelled.

    " see..."


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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  Chanler Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:24 am

    Damnit.. This thing still won't crack!! Blarg howled as he threw his gun on the floor. "How much longer did you say befor you can read this whats printed here again...Tint?..Tint im talking too you!!"

    Tint: "Relax i amlost have it i just need another hour and i should have everything.."

    :Blarg: "An hour?! we don't have an hour suppose some one else gets here while were sitting here waiting for you.

    Tint: And i told you blowing up the door should of been a last resort.You realize how much harder it's gonna take now thats it's covered in ashes gimme an hour not a sec longer.."

    Fence: "Heh too late now, i just spoted an aircraft over our location it seems like there searching for a spot now.. guess well have visitors soon." He said eyeing the small radar in his hands he let out a twitch in the corner of his right eye.

    Blarg: "Damnit! i was afraid of that. Ok listen new plan everyone out and hide will let these new guys work on it.maybe we could ambush them after they have it open. In the mean time continue your research tint and hide behind that rock. me and fence well keep an eye from above." He pulled out a grappler gun and aimed above a rock that held a small ledge where both him and fence could sneack behind after climbing up he pulled his hands out signaling fence to follow him. In a minutes fence was there as well who now opened up a small case pulling out a sniper rifle. "Easy on that fence remeber do not fire till i give the word ok?"

    Fence: "Hah, No problem." *He let out a laugh as he loaded it up and aim at the entrance. all 3 waited for the new visitors in the freezing ice cave*

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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  Sedsone Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:29 pm

    Name: Daroth
    Race: Silver Dragon
    Gender: Male
    Size: 160 ft wingspan, 80 ft long, 40 ft tall when dragon form and 5.5 ft tall when human form
    Ability: Regeneration, water and wind mastery
    Breath power:Silver colored flame
    Weapons (Human): Custom issue Gauss assault rifle whit 2x scope and 12,7 mm pistol Weapon mod for Assault rifle and Pistol (Radioactive, armour piercing, bio ammo, Explosive ammo, Heat/Cold ammo, dum dum bullets) standard 9 inch military knife

    Daroth was flying towards mountain range in south pole. He easily managed to blend into the night even whit his silver scales and his size he was still able to hide his presence from others by flying above and inside the clouds. For now he followed a helicopter which he hoped would take him towards first key of treasure he was looking for.

    Posts : 64
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    Age : 34
    Location : somewhere near the edge of a forest bordering a graveyard sunk deep ina large pit.

    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  faultypitch Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:58 pm

    Nikifor soon landed the helicopter, and got up and glared at Boomer. Java also passed the poor robot a angry glance.

    "You forgot our supplies!? After countless times of reminding you!? Ugh!" Nikifor yelled

    "I did get what we needed, just not as many rations, didn't think we'd need as many" Boomer replied nervously

    "You forgot just food? Dammit, oh well...least we still have what we need, right?" Java responded

    Boomer nodded "It's in the cargo hold, I'll get it"
    He went back and brought out a single crate. Nikifor and Java looked at him with concerned faces

    "Why is there just one crate Boomer?" the husky asked.

    "Well i packed all our supplied into this crate, thought it'd save space"

    "Yeah, but I bet it's heavy as hell too, this is gonna take us too long before we even get close to the first key"

    "I'm sorry guys. I'll carry it, you know I can"

    "Yeah, you'd better..."

    "Enough Java, we've wasted much time" he said opening the crate and grabbing his rifle, checking it first before shouldering it. "All right, everyone ready?"
    They all nodded.
    "Well let's go then" Nikifor said as he hopped off the heli and began to lead the way to the first key, where a team lied in wait for them.

    After Arriving at the entrance of the ruins, Nikifor slowed to a stop, sensing an almost eerie and menacing presence within the ruins. He shuddered a bit. Yet he had Boomer set the crate down and hand him the tools as he began working on the door to the ruins of the first key.

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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  Chanler Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:06 pm

    5 mins has passed as a lound noise creeked from the metal door as it rose out and a persone set himself inside.On instinct fence instanly turned and aimed his sniper over the strangers head. His paws not being steady on the trigger.

    Blarg: Hey i said no fiering yet! Blarg instructed in a loud whisper. "Stay away from the trigger."

    Fence:"Oh right there might be more of them anyways.." He spoke keeping his aim his ears began to flex back and force.

    Blarg: "Yea not only that it's always best to study your enemy befor every kill." *The wolf said wiith a toothy grin and watched below.* "Who knows maybe they might prove useful to us."

    Fence: "You mean like side with us?" He questioned.

    *Blarg gave a nod* "Yes for the time being anways. Regardless make sure they keep there distant's away from tint we don't need our cover blown."

    Last edited by Chanler on Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  Sedsone Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:54 pm

    Daroth followed helicopter till it began to land so he decided to circle around mountain a bit hoping to find a place to land other then that place where helicopter had landed just now since he wanted to remain hidden for as long as possible.

    after several circles he still didn't find a proper place to land so he again decided to wait till helicopter team leaves it and enters the ruins so he could land there after he throws helicopter of the ledge then he would follow them and/or eliminate them if needed

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    Location : somewhere near the edge of a forest bordering a graveyard sunk deep ina large pit.

    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  faultypitch Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:34 pm

    "Come on Nik, I could grow a beard by the time you're done!" Java complained.

    "Patience is of virtue Java, you'd do well to remember that!" he yelled back

    "Awww come on guys, stop fighting. You've been at for an hour now! I'm tired of both of your mouths! Java stop complaining! Nik, is there anything else that might work on that thing?" Boomer asked

    Gee, I don't know Boomer, come over here and see if you can open it!"

    "All right" Boomer walked over and examined the door. "Aha! I think I know why it was taking so long!"

    Both Nikifor and Java looked at him with a blank stare, curious as to what was going on.

    "Please enlighten us, Boomer" Java said "We're all ears..."

    "Haha...very funny Java." Boomer replied "Anyways, See these lines here? These tell us that this is a trick door. And of we open it, we'll be skewered by the spikes in the floor coming up at us."

    Both looked with a surprised look as they saw the holes in the floor.

    "You weren't kidding! That's why I felt something poking at my feet. WEll good going Boomer, you saved us all."

    "Now....where's the other door?"

    "Says here to pull on this vine" He pulls a nearby vine "and should open the real door."

    The place rumbled, as a circular stone slab raised into the air, revealing a long shaft with a ladders leading the way down.

    "Wow!! I'm impressed Boomer, you've outdone us in even our archeology skills, why didn't you tell us earlier?"

    "That's the thing...I never paid attention in class. I just learned from movies really."

    Both Java and Nik smacked their foreheads in exasperation.

    "All right, I'm going down there myself. I want you two to head back to the helicopter.

    "Why!?" Java yelled

    "I don't want either of you to get killed in any traps, I'll be able to see them easily. I've had some experience with a lot, just not the one Boomer found. Now that I know that kind, I'll be fine

    "All right. Try not to get kill-ow!!! Java!! What was that for!?"

    "Oh nothing, now let's go." Java dragged Boomer out of the ruins. Leaving Nik by himself

    Nik began down the shaft to the tunnel below on his way to the key.

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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  Chanler Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:27 pm

    Blarg and tent and watched as the 3 opened up the door. leaving just one person to walk inside while the other 2 left.

    Blarge: "Did you see that? All we needed to do was pull some damn vine >.<". The wolf said outraged as he threw himself off the ledge and landed heavily on the ground with his paws.

    Fence:"Yea pretty silly.." His said as his eyes jerked and began twitching befor setting a foot inside the door.

    Blarg: "Wait hold it what do you think your doing?" Blarg intructed as tint poped out from the rocks.

    Fence: "I say we all go in theres since only one person walked in we can easily jump him." Fence said befor hearing a beeping noise from a small device.

    Blarg: "That would be good but you forgot one flaw.." He stated as he picked up the small beeping device and threw it at his hands to catch it. "Someone else is coming and this one appears to be not around there group so your gonna have to stay here fence."

    Tint: "And what about me?"

    Blarg: "Your gonna stay with fence you leave him to me." Blarge said with a smile as he poped his knuckles and shoulders.

    Tint: "Damnit im a doctor not a soldier! Let me go with you." He began feeling discouraged.

    Blarg: "No can do your gonna stay here with fence and help him out if he gets into any trouble. Remeber focus and i'll be back witht he key. *He placed a clawed finger at his eyes and then pointed back at them instructing them to focus ounce more befor walking at the door and disappearing into the dark chamber.


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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  Sedsone Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:10 pm

    Daroth circled a bit more and during his last pass he found a ledge on which he could land.On that ledge he also found a small cave entrance which he couldn't fit as a dragon so he turned into him human form and entered it. Much to his surprise it lead to some sort of a hallway made a long time ago and much more to his surprise was that is was large enough even for his dragon form to walk straight without fear of hitting anything.

    "Well well it seems like a nice place to start looking for first key,...and it seems like I'm the first one who entered it in a long time...hmm perhaps there is a map of this place neaby" what that said he went to look for a map. after some time of searching he found it. "So...I am about hundred meters from here...hmm it should take long too find it then"

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    Location : somewhere near the edge of a forest bordering a graveyard sunk deep ina large pit.

    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  faultypitch Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:18 pm

    Nikifor walked into a room, that was wide open and at the end was a shining globe, holding a small fragment. It was the first key.

    "There it is." He said looking around. He saw many opening in the walls, and very distinctly saw a few strings that were very hard to see. "Knew it...nothing is ever this simple.

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    Post  Chanler Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:44 pm

    Blarge continued down the tunnel noticeing cut wires from each of his steps knowing that he was on the right trail befor making to a entranceway and spoting the one ahead of his team reaching out for a shiny fragment.

    Blarg:"Hey!" Blarg yelled making the creature jump a little. "That ones mine.. now hand it over chum or you'll get more then your daily dose of iron and lead"

    He walked towards him and notice something was odd raiseing his ears up. "Some ones coming." He mumbled letting out a low snarl.

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    Post  Sedsone Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:34 pm

    Daroth runs towards location of first key but soon he started to transform back into dragon to gain faster speed. Soon he noticed that rooms were getting smaller but because of his strength and weight walls prove no match for him as he simply busted throe them. of course that make a lot of noise and soon he reached gates protecting the first key so he roared loudly breaking several windows into dust and smashes throe them whit ease and roared again as he breath his flame which made his scales reflect whit very bright light blinding everyone on site allowing him to land in front of globe and put his claw into it to grab. After 5 minutes of searching he feels the key he then took it out and put it around his neck then flew back to where he come from whit another roar.

    Last edited by Sedsone on Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Location : somewhere near the edge of a forest bordering a graveyard sunk deep ina large pit.

    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  faultypitch Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:17 pm

    In the whole event of Daroth busting into the room,., Nikifor jumped for cover, avoiding some falling block from the ceiling.
    "What the hell!?" He yelled as he saw Daroth take the key. He tried to shoot the key off his neck.

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    Post  Chanler Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:23 pm

    The sound of roaring echoed the cave as the room lit up. Blark spoted a large figure appear and ran a hand over the key and took off. Then he turned to see nifor grab a gun and began turning into a 360 circle until....

    Blarg: "Get that outa my face!!" He snaped pushing him and making him land hard on his back with the gun firing on the ceiling. Afterwords the wolf left for the exit ignoring the dragon figure for now. Knowing he would come across him again and made his way thrue running his claws to the side of his belt pulling a gernade out and threw it behind him unfaithed.Shortly It set off and destroyed the cave peice by peice sealing the area leaving nikfor to his fate.

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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  Sedsone Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:02 am

    Daroth kept flying till he reached the same room where he entered and turned back into a human form and put key on his neck and armed his assault rifle in case if someone attack him.Then he again climbed the was he got in until he reached a blockade inside of it.

    "Great...I need to find a different way now"

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    Location : somewhere near the edge of a forest bordering a graveyard sunk deep ina large pit.

    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  faultypitch Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:43 am

    Nikifor, seeing as his first way out was completely blocked now, cursed.

    "Boomer! Java come in! Can you hear me?" Nikifor said into his com around his ear, all he heard was static. "Sh*t! Looks like I'm stuck here, unless I can find another way out."
    He looked around, until he came to the hole, that Daroth had come in from.
    "Well...certainly ain't gonna be easy, but better than rotting down here...that's for sure."
    He wrapped his rifle onto his back, and began to climb up, seeing a sort of overhead passage.

    "Nikifor sure is taking a long time ain't he?" Boomer said concerned a bit "He never takes this darn long."

    "Boomer, quit worrying about him, he'll be fine. Now where the hell is that damn helicopter? I know it was around here somewhere" Java responded.

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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  Chanler Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:25 am

    Sometime later blarg was greeted by two of his companions in a cheer as they ran up to him giving him a hard pat on the back.

    Tint:"Good you made it! soo uhh wheres the key??" Now looking a bit worried and took a good look at him trying to find it.

    Blarg: "Shad-up!.." *Blarg yelled now starting to have the most worst mood in his life.* "You two were suppose to keep watch why the hell didn't you stop that dragon from reaching us!! He made off with the first key thx to you goons!"

    Fence and tint exchange glances to each other then looked back at blarg.

    Fence:"We didn't see anybody come by. And we had the door completly sealed." He protested.

    Blarg: "So that must mean there's more then one exit in there.I guess it was pretty useless to throw a grenade over there after all. damnit all! Alright listen up men lets head back to out chopper were going to the next key and lets not screw this one up alright. I'll inform you on whats next agenda on our way." Blarg instucted but threw his fist on the cave wall hard still a bit upset as ever.

    Tint: You alright?

    Blarg: "Im fine, let's go! we got no more business here."

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    Post  Sedsone Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:14 pm

    Daroth turns to go back to hallway when he saw Nikifor coming to his position so he quicly hide the key which he had around neck into safer place then spoke "Hey you you need to go back there was a cave in we need to get out of this before it collapses!"

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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  faultypitch Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:01 pm

    Nikifor saw Daroth.

    "A cave-in? Well sh**. I thought there might of been another passage here, the one I came through is blocked as well." Nikifor said discouraged. "Well we'd best try and clear one out quickly"

    Java grew impatient, wanting to leave that cold wasteland.
    "Where the hell is Nik!? I'm freezing my wings off here!" he yelled shivering.

    Boomer saw three figures in the distance, which was in fact Tint Blarg and Fence.
    "Oh crap...Ummmm, Java we got company!" he yelled

    "Unless it's company with warm food, I don't care!"

    "Well, you'd better care, we don't know what they are up to. What if they caught or killed Nik?"

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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  Chanler Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:57 am

    The 3 made there way up the long spiraling staircase where they came in from.
    When they exited blarg looked both left and right trying to remeber where he left the chopper he wanted it far away so no one could find it but that meant walking all the way back. Lucky with there fur coats the cold breezy air had no affect over the three.They continued marching into the cold snow when out in the open they spoted two people just standing there in the snow as if waiting for someone. There was no way to avoid them as it was the only direction to there chopper.

    Blarg: "Looks like were gonna have some company." Said the black wolf not even slowing down his walk as one already spoted them and began chatting with the other.

    Tint: "What should we do? They seem to wanna ask us something." The jackal said a bit nervously.

    Blarg: "Best to see what they want Maybe we can extract a bit of information from them. One of them doesen't seem very bright." Blarge let a toothy smile at tint and stoped at there tracks now infront of the two. "You boys look like you have something to say whatcha need?."

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    Post  Sedsone Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:28 pm

    "That what I'm saying you now move backwards before the celling collapses...I think that roaring made the celling you know cause that roaring?" said Daroth as they exited and went towards other exits

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    The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP Empty Re: The Cache: Treasure Hunting RP

    Post  faultypitch Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:34 pm

    "I have no idea, maybe it was that dragon that I saw up here" He said going back "then again...a dragon's roar is this is something else"

    "We don't need anything..." Java started, about to run his mouth again.

    "Shut up Java." Boomer said looking at the group. "We're waiting on a friend. He's a orange husky with a strange rifle, have you seen him?"

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